Sunday, September 10, 2017

Past, Present And Future Of Atomic Timekeeping

1911 - First Atomic Beam (Dunoyer)
1921 - Deflection of Atomic Beam by Inhomogenous Magnetic Field (Stern)
1933 - Deflection of Light by Photon Absorption (Frisch)
1938 - Molecular Beam Magnetic Resonance Method for Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moments (Rabi, Zacharias, Millman & Kusch)
1939 - Radio Frequency Spectroscopy (Kellogg, Rabi, Ramsey and Zacharias)
1940 - Atomic Hyperfine Structure, Field Independent Oscillations, Discussion Of Atomic Clocks (Rabi, Kusch & Millman
1949 - Method Of Separated Oscillatory Fields: Narrower Resonances, Higher Frequencies. No First Order Doppler (Ramsey)
1950 - Optical Pumping (Kastler)
1952 - Initial Work On Cs Clock (Kusch, Lyons, Sherwin)
1953 - Unsuccessful Atomic Fountain
1954 - Atomichron (Zacharias)
1954 - NH, Laser (Townes)
1955 - Atomic Cs Beam Frequency Standard (Essen & Parry)
1948 - 1961 - Microwave Spectroscopy (Townes), Optical Pumping (Hastler), Buffer Gases (Dicke), NH,3 Maser (Townes), Optically Pumped Rb Frequency Standards.
1959 - Ion Traps (Penning, Paul & Dehmelt) Initially Large Doppler Shifts and Widths
1960 - Lasers (Townes, Schawlow, Maiman...). Suppression of First Order Doppler by Two Photon Absorption Spectroscopy. Frequency Chains for calibration.
1960 - Improvements In All Frequency and Time Standards.
1962 - Hydrogen Maser (Kleppner, Ramsey...)
1968 - Cooling of Trapped Ions By The He (Dehmelt, Cutler,....)
1969 - Small, Integrated Cavity Rubidium Oscillator & Rb Isotope Mixture, Efratom Elektronik GmbH (Jechart, Huebner)
1975 - Electron Shelving With Many Trapped Ions As An Amplification Mechanism To Detect Weak Transitions By Monitoring Affected Resonance Fluorescence.
1975 - Laser Cooling (Wineland, Dehmelt, Hansch, Scawlow).
1980 - Laser Cooling Of Trapped Ions (Wineland, Bergquist, Drullinger, Itano, Dehmetlt, Toscheck,..)
1981 - Single Atomic Ion Trapping And Colling. Quantum Jumps And Electron Shelving With Single Ions (Dehmelt, Wineland..)
1985 - Slowing of Neutral Atoms (Philips. Metcalf, Letokhov, Hall, Weiman...)
1985 - Laser Trapping Of Atoms, Gradient Traps And Spontaneous Radiation Traps (...)
1988 - Sympathetic Cooling (Larson, Wineland,...)
1988 - Cooling Below Doppler And Recoil Limits. Polarization Gradient Cooling. Sisyphus Effect. Velocity Selective Coherent Trapping. 2.4u. (Philips, Cohen Tannoudjt, Dalibard, Chu, Metcalf...)
1989 - Successful Fountain Experiment (Chu,...)